Strapi Transfer Feature in 4.7.0

Pritam Banerjee
3 min readMar 14, 2023



Data transfer is the process of moving data from one location to another. In today’s world, data is one of the most valuable assets of any organization, and it is crucial to ensure that it is managed effectively. This article will explore the best practices for data management transfer.

The importance of data management transfer

Data transfer plays a critical role in ensuring that an organization’s data is secure, accessible, and accurate. There are several reasons why data management transfer is important, including:

  • Backup and recovery: Data transfer is an essential part of backup and recovery processes. In the event of a disaster or system failure, data can be quickly restored from backups.
  • Migration: When an organization upgrades to a new system, data transfer is necessary to move data from the old system to the new one.
  • Consolidation: In the case of mergers or acquisitions, data transfer is critical to consolidate data from different systems into a single platform.

Best practices for data management transfer

  1. Define the scope of the transfer: It is essential to define the scope of the data transfer, including the type of data, the volume of data, and the systems involved. This will help you plan the transfer effectively and ensure that all necessary data is transferred.
  2. Plan the transfer: A well-planned data transfer can minimize downtime and reduce the risk of data loss. Create a detailed plan that outlines the steps involved in the transfer, including the timeline, resources required, and contingency plans.
  3. Test the transfer: Testing the data transfer before the actual transfer can help you identify any potential issues and ensure that the data is transferred correctly.
  4. Secure the transfer: Data security is crucial during the transfer process. Ensure that the data is encrypted during the transfer and that only authorized personnel have access to the data.
  5. Monitor the transfer: Monitoring the transfer can help you identify any issues or errors that may occur during the transfer process. This can help you take corrective action quickly and minimize the risk of data loss.

Strapi Transfer Feature using CLI

As we mentioned we can transfer the strapi content, files using CLI and that is really powefull feature. This will remove all database data and add new data but remember it did not transfer nor create the collection type or single type. So first we need to create a Transfer Token from Strapi Setting of the destination application. You need to go to setting and click on the Transfer Token and create a Token and give duration Unmilimted.

After getting the token save it in your local file and then in the strapi source project in root terminal write this below command to transfer the data to destination project.

yarn strapi transfer --to http://localhost:1337/admin --to-token my-transfer-token --force

By using this command you can transfer your all content and media files. But if you want to exclude media or content then you can use the exclude flag in order to exclude media or content. Below is sample code excluding files or content.

yarn strapi transfer --to http://localhost:1337/admin --to-token my-transfer-token --force --exclude files

In the same way you can also use the only flag to export only one type of content or media and sample command is given below for only flag.

yarn strapi transfer --to http://localhost:1337/admin --to-token my-transfer-token --force --only files


Data management transfer is an essential process that can help organizations ensure that their data is secure, accessible, and accurate. By following the best practices outlined in this article, organizations can plan and execute data transfers effectively, minimizing downtime and reducing the risk of data loss.



Pritam Banerjee

I am Full Stack Developer and Data Scientist, I have worked some of the biggest client’s project (eg. Walmart, Cisco, Uber, Apple, JP Morgan, Capital One etc).